How Am I Qualified to Offer Website Update Services?

The “About” page is the second most popular page on a website, after the homepage, so I owe you a little information. Although, I feel like I did as a new student in the front of the classroom, awkwardly listing my hobbies. I am an HGTV fan. I usually have a book in my hand, one next to me, and one on Kindle. I read non-fiction and fiction, but my first choice for fun is a psychological thriller. (My husband thinks I read textbooks for fun. Maybe he’s not wrong.)

Keep reading, and I will tell you 3 secrets about me. Who can resist a secret?

Want to Chat Over Coffee? It’s ok with me if Wine is More Your Style!

The 411…

  • My nickname is Fancy. And you can play sports better in sparkly attire.

  • I am a 7 on the Enneagram, an INFJ on Myers Briggs, a Virgo, a Manifesting Generator in Human Design, and an introvert, for all those who know what any of that means. You know who you are.

  • I love taking classes and teaching others what I learn.

Those secrets I promised…

  • My mom went to high school with the Billy Joel

  • I have moved over 30 times

  • I twirled a baton in high school and get it out once a year to see if I can still spin around and catch it. (I can!)

Sorry if you were hoping for juicier bits, but this is a business. :)

And Now for the Resume Portion

  • How Can I Help You?

    I have a degree in Teaching, and a Masters in Educational Leadership. What that means for you, is that I care about YOU learning what you need to, in order to succeed. I want you to be able to make changes to your website and my hope is that you will continue to learn and grow in your business.

  • Why Me?

    Where else would you get to pick a lawyer’s brain while starting a business? Although I will not be giving you legal advice, and we do not have an attorney-client relationship, (I would like to keep my license) I do have years of legal training and experience, and that is an added bonus for you!

  • Am I Qualified?

    I am a Squarespace Circle Member, I have taken multiple courses on Squarespace design and SEO, and I continue to learn because that is my passion! I do not want to see you spend unnecessary money at the beginning (or ever), and I can get your site in the world quickly.